Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Testing this whole blogging thing

I am new this whole cyber diary idea...but I think I am liking it better the more I can play around with it.  I was very apprehensive about using technology in this course but lets face it, we live in a very tech-savvy world.  If I want to be literate on the computer I guess this is not a bad way to start testing the waters.  
My name is Lindsay and I am a senior at Michigan State University majoring in Special Education-Deaf Education with a teaching major in Language Arts.  I am in the last semester of my undergraduate and I am looking forward to starting my career as a Deaf Education teacher.  
Here is an Autobiographical Poem:
By: Me!

I am from the second largest city in Michigan

A place once known for furniture

Today it is a place called home by many

Although large in size

A very closely-knit community

Where the expression family and comfort have true meaning

I am from a unique community

Where city slicker and country values meet


I am from a large family

I am one of six; four boys, two girls

I have fun with my family, always laughing

Where our shared interests bring us together

I am from a family of well-rounded people

Where there isn’t something one of us can’t conquer

I am from a family you can count on

In any situation, at any time.