Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Multiculturalism debate

I had mixed feelings about this weeks readings on defining the term multiculturalism.  First of all, I want to say that I was shocked by the reactions to Patrick Shannon's piece.  All of the reactions were very interesting to read because all of the authors wanted to defend themselves by saying that Shannon (1994) took their work out of context as well as misinterpreted and distorted their work.  I respect all four authors for trying to clarify the term multiculturalism in children's literature.
Before reading this week, I have to admit that I mostly thought of multiculturalism literature referring to different races.  However, I now believe that multiculturalism literature refers to not only race but also gender, religion, class, etc.  As a future teacher, I understand that there is not going to be a selection of books that cover all of these areas of multiculturalism so, there are going to be books that I introduce to my students to do refer to just one of the areas of multiculturalism, for example, race.  A single book can not cover all aspects of culture, which is why it is important for all teachers to be aware of the cultures addressed in children's literature and it is also very important that teachers include a variety of cultures found in the books they include in their libraries and lessons.
When I was in school, my teachers covered multicultural literature into the classroom, however, the amount covered was not as much as I would have liked to see now that I am going to be a teacher myself.  My teachers covered African American literature mostly during Black History month but that is not the only time African American literature can be read to the class and included in lessons.  I did like Sims Bishop (1994) argument saying "multicultural children's literature is the same as children's literature."  This is very true, teachers should include a variety of cultures in the children's literature books they chose to include in their lessons.  I am glad that we had to read these controversial articles on multicultural literature because they have opened my eyes and made me conscious of the literature I will include in my teachings.

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